I’m grateful for myself (+ some much needed pep talk)


It was thanksgiving a few days ago, and just like every other person on this planet,

I have so many things to be thankful…

I’m thankful for my family,

I am thankful for the few friends that I actually have,

I am thankful for my pets,

I am thankful for my good days and bad ones,

I’m thankful for how successful my blog has been…

I can keep going on but that is not what I’m here for I’m here to talk about the most important thing I am thankful for this year, and that is ‘myself’…

I’m thankful for myself or more precisely I’m thankful that I finally found myself, the person I was last year was not really all of me, as I grow older, I discover so many things about myself, things I really didn’t think were possible.


I’m so thankful for the person I have become; I still have my flaws but who doesn’t? And as I am growing older, I’m sure I’ll discover more flaws but I’ll also discover more strengths and that is what the journey is about, self-discovery.


The past couple of months had been a bit bumpy, but on thanksgiving precisely, I sat don alone in my room and really asked myself one question: what is really happening to me? I had to be honest to myself and my reply was brutal, it was hard to admit it to myself but I needed to say it to actually believe it, and the answer was simple, in fact I have known the answer for weeks but I couldn’t voice it,


Fear, but not any kind of fear, the fear of failure and that fear is much worst because it prevents you from even starting and that is bad, because if you don’t actually do it, you’ll never know if it will work on not…


Then I had to give myself a much needed pep talk. I looked at myself and those were my words “For god’s sake you are still 22 years old, that is the time to take risks and go for it, and here you are, already giving up at the first bump of your very long road” those were really the words I told myself.

I was disappointed of myself, I had so many dreams for after my graduation and I let them all crash by fearing failure; then I had to remind myself that starting is always the hardest, and so I started and let the journey begin…


What about you? What are you thankful for?

Let me know in the comments so we can all support each other…

Thanks for sticking till the end…

Till next time…


PS: I don’t own any of the pictures. If you know the owner, message me for credit

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  1. I am thankful for coming across the write up , I’m thankful for the Love of God reflecting over and in me
    I’m thankful for Family and Friends
    I’m thankful for ME

    Liked by 1 person

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